Self Awareness
This is a place where all who are aware can partake of my journey, and share of their own.
As hope lingers on the last thin haze of daylight,
We move now into the colder chill of night.
Aware of the changing light, the hours painting abstractly.
The challenges before us collective, ever moving, connected.
One vibrant ball of energy that we are.
Our contribution, heart energy... adds to the glow.
The pitch approaching a crescendo as we dance.
Always dancing in the light we create.
Wondering often how to make the halo of energy spread further,
Touch more hearts open more minds.
We are growing, ever reaching to know more.
Ever reaching to give more and lend a hand, a word, love...
To the next soul to fall in step with us seeking too.
This is the way of the Lightworkers.
Striving always to maintain balance.
Leading by example, with kindness, joy and light.
Outshining the darkness as much as we can so the path is warm, and alive.
Others seek us as they begin to understand,
or wonder what needs to be understood.
Getting jostled in the tides and emotional swells
Of the collective heaving and surging forward.
As one we are escaping the pull of darkness ever so slowly,
Awakening one by one NOW!
On this special day of higher vibration .
Can you feel it? Do you know ...innately, primally?
Do you understand all that awaits us?
Bask, notice, enjoy the changing light...follow the symbols.
Feel the current, stronger now,
just barely perceptible but by nuance and intuition.
Listen to your heart, your whispers…
Open to the possibilities, help lead the way.
A leaf moves silently along its current,
Meandering, flowing free.
Drifting around obstacles...
No resistance.
The current pulls it along
Gently floating to its destination.
Like that leaf we are set free
By surrender, by trust,
By accepting and being still.
We are moving effortlessly now
Along our current, around obstacles.
Loving silently, deeply, primally
Knowing innately that we are on our path.
Open to the possibilities.
Trusting that all is as it should be.
Trusting one another and the universe to begin to
Grow in peace not chaos.
Calm awakening in my soul.
Like a shimmer I feel your heart
Reaching, touching, pressing against mine.
Synchronicity, beating
Only we can hear it.
Like that shooting star,
magnificent whispers across the sky!
Flying, free falling now into your arms.
Wake me up, land me safely?
Butterfly kisses on lips speaking true.
Heart to heart.
Always chasing feathers on the wind.
My heart aimlessly wandering alone.
Until one day the eagle dropped his finest feather.
I reached up and stole it from the breeze,
Put it in my hair and called it home.
I liked the way it adorned me.
I liked the way its energy brought me to myself.
I had never imagined eagle feathers,
Always sparrows and hawks and wrens...
But the strength of the eagle was my fortress
My equal, my love….
The feather heavy now,
rests against my cheek
droplets gather there… salty pain.
That feather…
A storm proof shelter
So much between each fragile line.
Free to drift if not for the gravity of love.
Compass Calibration
A day for pausing
no hasty actions, no hasty thoughts.
Just slowly pondering,
feeling the buoyancy of the sea beneath the hull.
No waves, just mist rising up off the mirrored surface of the water.
A slight breeze rustling my hair as I taste the salty air on my lips.
I am at the bow, arms outstretched.
Rain on my face
or maybe tears and what I taste is not the air at all.
Going steadily, no swells this time.
not holding on, but instead
accepting that all is as it should be.
Risking Love
As we become more aware
Allowing people and circumstances into our space
That ordinarily we would shield ourselves from.
In being open,
We experience great joy.
Our heart is allowed to finally dance
Others with a deeper understanding.
We are all awakening at our own pace.
It helps to remember this.
Some are still not past the baggage
Still not ready.
Their heart longs to be free, to open to the possibilities.
They long to give love and receive love,
Unable to accept the sheer joy that love brings.
In accepting this fact
Knowing in the center of your being, knowing from your heart
That all is as it should be…there is strength and comfort in this knowledge.
Our guides bring this news to us constantly… all is as it should be.
The withdrawal of the love, the fear, once would have been so hard, so painful.
Now in the new light it causes hope. For in love there is no ego. There is no fear.
Our love is our connection.
We will not feel the pity against their actions… for we are one with them. We love unconditionally.
To wall them off, is to shut our hearts back in the cage.
Counterproductive to awakening.
Hope that your heart lifted theirs… Just enough
Warmed them just long enough
To have helped them to believe in love and all it’s power.
Hopefully, there in the fires light they experienced the power.
Felt what it is to be truly open, naked, present and awake…
and to be loved completely, no questions asked.
To give love in the same manner…. Accepting...
Even, and especially a heavy heart longing for home.