As hope lingers on the last thin haze of daylight,
We move now into the colder chill of night.
Aware of the changing light, the hours painting abstractly.
The challenges before us collective, ever moving, connected.
One vibrant ball of energy that we are.
Our contribution, heart energy... adds to the glow.
The pitch approaching a crescendo as we dance.
Always dancing in the light we create.
Wondering often how to make the halo of energy spread further,
Touch more hearts open more minds.
We are growing, ever reaching to know more.
Ever reaching to give more and lend a hand, a word, love...
To the next soul to fall in step with us seeking too.
This is the way of the Lightworkers.
Striving always to maintain balance.
Leading by example, with kindness, joy and light.
Outshining the darkness as much as we can so the path is warm, and alive.
Others seek us as they begin to understand,
or wonder what needs to be understood.
Getting jostled in the tides and emotional swells
Of the collective heaving and surging forward.
As one we are escaping the pull of darkness ever so slowly,
Awakening one by one NOW!
On this special day of higher vibration .
Can you feel it? Do you know ...innately, primally?
Do you understand all that awaits us?
Bask, notice, enjoy the changing light...follow the symbols.
Feel the current, stronger now,
just barely perceptible but by nuance and intuition.
Listen to your heart, your whispers…
Open to the possibilities, help lead the way.
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