26 April, 2012
A Year of Wonder 2010
Red Wine and Dark Chocolate
26 May, 2011
The Lesson

I see now that my love was the magic.
It was the magic in our relationship all along.
You only reacted to my love…
Not really feeling it.
How could you, having no love of your own to give.
I am the source of my love.
You have left the source,
Which in turn leaves me no poorer.
I see how love and magic heal.
I see how love can bring and be change,
bare all things.
How love can forgive even the deepest of hurts.
I AM and hold the space to love.
I cherish the magic.
Cherish love… keep it warm and alive.
Only now, not for you….
For me.
Maybe one day too
for someone I want to share with.
Someone with love of his own to add to the magic
that will become us.
May 26, 2011
15 December, 2010
Self Portrait

The distance between us grows.
Cold inside,
like the waning winter sun
on the precipice of a new tomorrow.
Transitions - apparent and unavoidable.
My thoughts fall silently now, like snowflakes.
walking alone already-
though the time has not yet come.
Through the looking glass all becomes clear!
I am no longer who I was.
My true reflection
I have pondered for all these months... in your eyes.
I don’t like it,
the discomfort of becoming me.
Changes of course bring change, even to the depths of us.
Growing into my new self, more in tune with what I need.
While you push me away,
I am no longer in tune with making you happy.
My heart realizes, in the snowy silence , that this is not going to last.
Without my insistence, consistency is not attainable here.
No answers, just a beautiful mosaic.
I pick up the pieces of my life and arrange them-
07 January, 2010
04 January, 2010
Suspended Intentions
To the ticking of the old pendulum near the hearth.
Piece by piece tasks get done, it comes together.
Chapter by chapter I immerse myself in a book.
Trying hard to overlook the hollow feeling
Echoing deep in my gut. Something missing.
Knowing that it is for the best. This time away from you.
Seeing the contrast of what we were just days ago… in pictures
To what we are possibly becoming.
Intermingled with the sadness in my heart
Is a gold thread of hope.
This time please let it be different!
The cravings fed for the last time.
Busy mind, busy heart all processing.
As I walk along the very path that I think I am searching for.
Wondering always what to be…. When of course
I AM what I am being.
How long will I wait here among the din of my life?
Restless to hear your voice and hold you.
Trying to stay on the same page,
Holding to faith.
Feeling the breath move in and out of me.
Tears held back for lack of a reason to cry.
Suspended in time, hanging by the last ray of sunlight.
Tomorrow is another day to journey home.
08 December, 2009

Self Awareness